Helpdesk access and instructions

In our ongoing effort to improve customer service and response to our clients, IDT has partnered with an online service to provide ticketing and issue tracking services. Going forward IDT will require all support issue to be logged via a helpdesk ticket.

There are 3 main ways to open a ticket with us for support.

1. Though the helpdesk website: via computer or mobile device

2. Via Email by emailing from your email client or mobile device

3. Phone You can call our main number at 614-515-5301 and leave a message.

Please Note: You should only use option 3 if you do not have access to email or the internet to submit a ticket.

How to open a ticket on the IDT Web Helpdesk (Preferred Method)

  1. Open your browser and enter in the address bar.

  2. Once there you can click submit a ticket or click the login option at the top right and login with your google account to see your ticket history and to log updates to a ticket.

In the new ticket screen you will be required to give the following:

  1. Your Name

  2. Requester Email (Your Email Address)

  3. Call Back Phone Number (This is the number that you can be reached at to discuss your ticket.

  4. Can you Accept Text Messages at this number ( Can we send you text messages about this ticket)

  5. Subject (Issue you are having in a couple words)

  6. Priority (Please Note: Issues with a Priority of Urgent will page an IDT representative for an immediate response. This may incur additional charges. This should only be used in system down emergency or other time sensitive situation.)

  7. Description (here you can type details of your issue please be as specific possible. You can also attach files or screenshots.)

Once you have entered all Information click submit. You will receive an email with your ticket number. Please hold on to this email until your issue is resolved. You can reply to this email to add updates to your ticket.  You may also check the status of your ticket at anytime using the online IDT Web Helpdesk.  Just click on the link labeled “Check ticket status”  You will be required to log in using your email address provided when opening the ticket.  

If you have any questions please feel free to email us at